Australian Fencing Awards 2020 Winner 2024 AOIA Winners
Australian Owned Certified - Ambassador Of The Year 2024 AOIA Winners Australian Made

One of the most sought after features for aspiring horse property owners is that stunning black or white post and rail fencing that not only frames a property, but provides the safest method of containment. It’s a case of good looks meets necessity. Like any installation though, unless money is no object, it needs to form part of the planning budget and until now, there has been a maintenance component attached, whether it’s rotting, snapping,
warping or painting. An Australian company has now come up with a world beating innovation that began as a solution for vineyards looking to avoid the leaching into the soil and eventual rotting of chemically treated timbers. And, it has used a masterstroke of organically certified recycling to produce a product that can be tailored to individual needs. Woodshield Timber encases natural, untreated timber in recycled plastic sourced from agricultural uses such as irrigation piping or dripper tubes.

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Fencing Innovation

A Circular Economy

Independent Product Review

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